In October of 1975, Janice Louise Maddison, of Casselberry FL, passed away. Services held in the Chapel at Baldwin-McNamara Funeral home. Memorial donations made to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Janice was survived by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maddison of Casselberry, FL, one brother, Fred of Orlando, FL,. and on sister, Carol Maddison of Miami, FL.
June Buttrick (Krippner)
Janice was one of the strongest women I knew. Due to her physical disability she struggled daily but it didn't stop her from different activities in school , going horseback riding with me, taking judo lessons. She was a active positive person with many talents. I asked her mother once what I could do for her when she struggled with her breathing she said "just be there for her she knows what to do". I tried to be there throughout high school but sadly lost touch with her shortly after. She died at the early age of 21 which was expected. I will always remember her daily courageous fight. My thoughts of her always make me smile and laugh! She was an is very special for such a short time here.
Bonnie Palka
I'm sorry to say that I was unaware of her health issues. She was brave indeed.
James Zynsky
June , I totally agree with you on the strength of Janice and of her family. As very young kids, my sister and I would go over to their house and play. We lived on Summer St. (near corner of Summer and Walnut) we would walk to their house, the Madison's lived on Williams Rd. just East of Pillings Pond and Albertson's Grocery Store. We would go down to Albertson's for penny candy and ice cream sandwiches. My mother and Janice's mother were friends and maybe co-workers at Center Congregational Church kindergarten? My sister and I were friends also with Larry. I did not get to know Carol. The family spent as much time as they could in Florida because that was the best place for Janice. Janice was a truly strong and beautiful person.
Laura Nihan
Janice was a great study partner. We worked on math problems in the library and encouraged each other to study and do well. Our junior year, I missed a lot of school due to appendicitis with gas gangrene. Realizing how hard keeping up with school work, Janice and I remained study partners to the benefit of both of us. I remember looking up her diagnosis and wanted a cure to be found. I always felt fortunate to know her as well as I did.