Sept 2022 Newsletter
September 2022 Newsletter
Our LHS 50+2 Class of 1970 Reunion events were well attended and everyone had a great time. Thanks again to all who attended. We had classmates from all across the country attending. Also a special "Thank You" to all classmates who provided a Donation. Not only did your Donation fund the new auditorium Light Board at LHS, it also help fund our Website, invited guest attendees and Reunion operational expenses.
For those who could not attend, we hope you will enjoy the photos posted in the Website Photo Galleries (LHS 50+2 Reunion album). Thank you to attendees who submitted Reunion photos. For attendees who may also have some photos, please consider loading them into the Reunion album. It is fairly simple and quick. If you have questions or problems, use the Contact Us function on the Website.
In addition to the Website photos, we are also using the Post Announcement function to post some videos and Photo Booth photos taken on Saturday night. All Announcements will be posted on the Website Welcome Page. Just scroll down the Welcome Page to view.
One of the highlights of the Reunion was the attendance at Friday's Meet & Greet of former LHS principal Stan Robinson. Stan is 97 years old and doing very well. He was accompanied by his daughter Erline, who is our age. Stan and classmates shared many stories. One of the most interesting comments from Stan was he has never been invited to a Class reunion and he was most grateful to the Class of 1970 for inviting him. A special Thank You to Reunion Committee member Alan Foulds for making this happen.
Another guest was Carolyn Faria, wife of the late LHS teacher Bill Faria. Carolyn brought along all of Bill's scrapbooks depicting school play performances. It was very special for Carolyn to have Kris Fletcher and Graham Rae attending and spending time with her. Kris and Graham, you may recall, were the class leads for the Tom Jones production.
The Reunion Committee will be meeting shortly to determine if or for how long the Website will remain functional. Many Reunion attendees suggested we should consider this. Stay tuned.