Susan M Flynn Keilty
Amesbury --Susan M. Keilty, 50, of 55 Congress St., died Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at her home after a long battle with cancer. Born April 9, 1952, daughter of Kathleen (Cullen) "Kay" Flynn of Newburyport and the late Francis J. Flynn.
Ms Keilty had been a resident of Amesbury for the past four years, previously residing in Newburyport. A graduate of Lynnfield High School class of 1970, she had worked as a chef at the Emery House in West Newbury for more than 15 years.
Susan was a devoted mother and was known as a hard worker and as a friend to everybody. She enjoyed cats, crafts, traveling, and the beach. In addition to her mother, she is survived by two children, Flynn T. Keilty of San Francisco, CA, and Jess-Marie Keilty of Charleston, SC; two sisters and a brother in law. Patricia and Michael Walters of West Newbury and Kathy Flynn of Newburyport, a neice, a nephew and her fiance Patrick J. Dawson of Amesbury
Karen Better (Carlin)
As I read other remembrances here, I am moved to do the same about my friend Sue Flynn. I feel sad to see some of our classmates that passed so young. Sue Flynn is one of those. We were good friends in much of elementary school and junior high. I especially remember 5th grade with Mr DiGammorino (sp) and please feel free to check out the elementarty school pictures in Photo Galleries. She always seemed so cool to me. I remember she wore glasses and I really was disappointed that I didn't. I remember that she had 2 older sisters and I loved that, having 2 older brothers just didn't seem as older sisters! I remember riding my bike over to her house on Summer Street and peeking in on her sisters. (Actually my older brother Jim and her sister, Patti, dated when they were in highschool) She was so much fun making cakes and donuts and all sorts of delicious sweets at her house. We made taffy a few times- if you haven't ever done that, it is a very arduous and messy process as I recall. Her mother had the patience of a saint! And I remember our daily trips by bus to Nahant Beach the summer of 1966, what an adventure that was! Listening to that great music, Summer in the City, Sunny, songs by The Loving Spoonful. What freedom and how grown up we were, taking public transportation to our daily adventures of fun in the sun! Sue, I will always remember you for your sense of humor, sense of adventure and friendship. Although your time was short here I know you filled it with love.
Bonnie Palka
My strongest memory of Sue was when we were in 5th or 6th grade. Sue babysat for a family just around the corner from her. There were four children and the youngest, Tommy, was probably three or four years old and small for his age. Sue was very fond of little Tommy and would often play with him even when she wasn't babysitting. One summer day, there were a bunch of us kiids gathered on Fletcher Road on the corner of Summer Street. This was before Fletcher Road was expanded, so there were very few families and very little traffic on the road. Sue sat on the curb holding Tommy under his arms while Tommy sat on her knees.
She would look at little Tommy, opening her eyes wide, and excitedly ask "Are you ready?" Then she would quickly open her knees so that he dropped through them even as she caught him under his arms just before he could touch the ground. They did this over and over as they laughed and laughed. To this day, I follow her example and play this game with the little ones of family and friends. Of course, I do it sitting on a chair or couch! ;)
John McMahon
My first schoolboy "crush" was Susan Flynn! I even asked my mother to invite her to my 6th birthday party (and -yes - she attended)! It was sad to see her name on the list of LHS '70 classmates who had passed; I wish that it wasn't listed there. Yes, she had a cool factor that drew me even in adolescent school years. I sat in front of her in one class. She was a talker. She broke my heart, too, later on. So sorry that she is no longer with us. R.I.P., Susie Flynn! You are missed!